
The Coronavirus; A Naturopathic View

As a Naturopathic Physician I would like to respond to the CoronaVirus COVID-19 with our Naturopathic Principles.  This philosophy is what sets our profession aside from other medical training programs.

First, Do No Harm (Primum non nocere).  Most importantly Naturopathic Physicians are Physicians first.  It would be silly of us to emphasize boosting immune systems with herbs over hand washing and other proper hygiene methods.  I am, as well as you should, be following local public health guidelines to reduce harm. 

Helpful websites:

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Arizona Department of Health Services

The Healing Power of Nature (Vis medicatrix Naturae) Naturopathic Physicians believe the Vis medicatrix naturae is a life force that flows through our bodies enhancing the body to heal itself.  This principle is shown to us by knowing that with a small paper cut to an average person it is not necessary to apply a bandage or anti-bacterial cream in order for the body to heal.  It is tapping into this energetic system, removing obstacles and enhancing the life force that keeps our bodies well and enhances recovery of illness.  This is why I am such an advocate for Pranic Healing.  Prana is a synonymous term to life force.  This modality uses Prana to clean and enhance our energetic anatomy accelerating the bodies ability to heal without even touching your client nor having a medical degree. To find out how Pranic Healing can support your Respiratory System watch this healing session with Master Co at

    • This belief of the Vis Medicatrix Naturae is in not to be replaced for or put above the principle First Do No Harm in that standard medical procedures are standard for a reason.  We have to use discernment with serious disease processes.

  • Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle causam) Treating the cause is identifying and removing obstacles for a disease process and identifying and removing obstacles that could diminish the vitality of the Vis Medicatrix Naturae.  With the Coronavirus COVID-19 it is obvious that the cause for the disease process is the virus itself.  I encourage you to have self-reflection upon what is a potential obstacle to your vitality?  Do you need more rest, exercise, vegetables?  When you have this awareness, put action into it.  Our vitality is essential to our health.  

  • Doctor as Teacher (Docere).  This principle empowers us through education.  When issues are brought to an intellectual understanding it provides certainty and reduces emotional reactions.  Please completely familiarize yourself with the CDC website regarding locations and symptoms of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) along with how to protect yourself from the disease.  

  • Treat the Whole Person (Tolle totum).  The immune system is global in our body and functions in tandem with other systems.  The Gastrointestinal system feeds nutrition to our immune system.  The musculoskeletal system creates our immune cells.  The endocrine system communicates to determine what part and where to send immune cells.  The lymphatic system removes used up immune cells.  These are only a few of the examples of how the body functions as a unit and shows how we should address the entire being especially when it comes to prevention.

  • Prevention (Praevenic).  

    • Hygiene is the first way to prevent.  If you are immune compromised, pregnant, or have a severe underlying chronic medical condition please seek individualized advice from your physician.  The best way to prevent illness is to be avoid being exposed.  Please stay home or consult a medical provider if you feel unwell to protect yourself with a weakened vitality and prevent transmission of disease.  Six feet is the recommended distance to avoid respiratory droplet exposure from other individuals.  Use your elbow to sneeze or cough into to avoid transmission of disease.  Use proper hand washing techniques by washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  If soap and water are not readily available use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol and rub until dry.  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.  Clean and disinfect frequently especially high touched areas.  

    • For those who are well and abled Naturopathic hygiene further includes proper:

      • Diet: 

        • Eliminate foods that do not replenish and restore the body such as processed sugars, artificial foods and additives. Avoid excess consumption of any food or beverage.

        • Consuming 5-7 servings of vegetables with a good variety and color, high in nutrients, minerals, and phyto-chemicals.

      • Exercise: 150 minutes of cardiovascular activity a week

      • Fresh air and sunshine: get outside especially in Arizona where it just rained.  The air quality is better and the temperature is perfect for a walk around the block or a nice hike.

      • Water: Drink 70-90 ounces of water a day and use proper bathing.  Hydrotherapy (alternating hot and cold) can be a wonderful tool to enhance cardiovascular and immune system activity.

      • Sleep: Simply put, the body needs to rest in order to recover and regenerate.  Healthy sleep is typically 8-10 hours a night.

      • Emotional Health & Community: Collaborate with your local community on how to help each other in times of need and develop a plan.  Be of service by helping someone in need.  Watch programs that promote relaxation, hope, and happiness.  Meditate and connect to your spiritual source.  Tune in to a Twin Hearts Meditation specific to the Coronavirus COVD-19 at

    We are all susceptible to suffering and we all have the free will to chose how we react to it.  I hope this information give you some assistance in finding peace within yourself.  

Update 5/11/24: Mindie, a home-school student found value in this article and thought readers might find value in a handwashing article she shared with us: