
Vitality does not equate to health

Vitality is an essence inside of us that creates health as a product.

Health is an outcome of strong vitality

Health Through Nature’s services enhance vitality, they enhance your ability to accelerate healing - to achieve health. Think of this similar to light, there is brightness and vibrance with light, increase the wattage and you have more vibrance. The more vibrance you have inside you the more likely healing will take place. Vitality is our vibrance. The more vitality we have the more rapid healing takes place. The more vitality we have the more potential there is for health.

With less vitality there is a decrease in healing power capacity. Going back to the light bulb analogy the less less less wattage - the less light can shine. Health Through Nature works to remove obstacles that prevent vitality from shining brightly, these obstacles to us are like clouds to the sun. Examples of insulting factors to our vitality could be poor nutrition habits, lack of or improper movement, inadequate hydration. We identify and work to remove these hindering factors.

Health Through Nature looks for and corrects imbalances within the human system that taxes or uses up vitality also keeping the light from shining strong. Examples of imbalances could be stressed endocrine system, overactive nervous system, improper gut absorption, biochemical pathway conversion problems.

When you work to increase vitality all ailments have the potential to improve and the all systems improves as a whole.

as a side effect of enhancing vitality all aspects of life have potential to improve

We differ because with a vitality mindset we see potential in everything improving, we see possibility for all suffering to alleviate and if you are not feeling better in whole we are not doing our job correctly.

Health should not be expected nor taken advantage of as “dis-ease” literally translates to absence of health. We have to work to have and maintain health.